Dual Focused General Health and Chiropractic Clinic

Price: $234,900

Location: Collierville, TN

Listing ID: 1-113

Listing Status: New


Both a primary health care clinic as well as a chiropractic clinic, this business has so much potential for growth.

It can handle basic maintenance like flu shots and check ups, or take in ill patients to diagnose and prescribe treatment. Beyond that, it also offers top tier chiropractic services, making it a great stop for older patients. They can get their physical and get adjusted in one stop for convenience sake!

The owner is retiring from the medical field, leaving this company available for the next aspiring doctor or chiropractor.


Total Sales: $468,000

Cash Flow: $85,000

FFE: $75,000

Inventory: $1,000

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley