Hemp-Based Product Manufacturer with Repeat Commercial Clients

Price: $939,000

Location: Huntsville, AL

Listing ID: 1-120

Listing Status: New


This company manufactures and sells hemp-based products. They're well-known for a medical brand dedicated to providing pain relief and supporting wellness, but they also have a secondary brand that's suited for customers looking to experience the more enjoyable side effects of hemp-based products.
They handle their own manufacturing and their licensing allows them to sell to other retailers under the other retailers' labels. This brings in a lot of repeat commercial customers.
The company has multiple cross-trained employees too, enable an owner to focus on running the business instead of running around for the business.

The real estate, inventory, and equipment are all included in the current asking price. If you would like to purchase the business without the real estate, please speak with the broker.


Total Sales: $1,147,555

Cash Flow: $79,815

FFE: $185,000

Inventory: $300,000

For more information on this listing, please complete our Non-Disclosure Agreement

Gene Townley

Gene Townley