Niche Flooring Wholesaler of 32 Years

Price: $599,000

Location: Mobile, AL

Listing ID: 1-71

Listing Status: New


This company is the local wholesaler for a specific type of flooring. They work almost entirely with contractors and businesses, with very few residential clients.

Most of their clients are repeat business, leaving very little need for advertising, so the company hasn't had to pay for advertising in a while. A new owner could focus on advertising and see a good return on it, since all of the current business is organic or repeat business.

This company is also very simple to run because it doesn't handle the installations. It sells the tools needed to install, the flooring, any extra accessories like corners and moldings, and occasionally offers repairs on the machines it sells.

The owner is looking to sell so that he can retire. He's been in the flooring industry for years and he's ready to sit back and let someone else run the show.


Total Sales: $919,000

Cash Flow: $148,000

FFE: $40,000

Inventory: $140,000

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley