SBA Approved Local Florist of Fifty Years

Price: $1,250,000

Location: Mobile, AL

Listing ID: 1-87

Listing Status: New


SBA Approved!

This flower and gift shop has been around for a shocking fifty years, serving as an integral part of the community.

It's also turn-key with a large and very experienced staff. Many of the staff have been there for decades, with likely over a hundred years of experience with the business between them.

All in all, this flower shop is a great option for anyone looking to move into the area's flower industry. It has well-trained and loyal staff, 50 years worth of good reputation and repeat customers, and is even good for an SBA loan.


Total Sales: $1,289,000

Cash Flow: $300,000

FFE: $198,000

Inventory: $85,000

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley