Tree Service Company with Large Repeat Commercial Clients

Price: $949,000

Location: Pensacola, FL

Industry: Landscaping and Yard Services

Listing ID: 1-78

Listing Status: New


On the Gulf Coast, tree services are an absolute must!
Like plumbing or HVAC, tree removal services are highly necessary along the coast. Even during a recession, people will still have to remove diseased trees or prevent at-risk ones from falling on buildings or people.

Furthermore, this company already has large, repeat commercial clients. They may not call every month to get their grass cut, but these clients do call at least once a year to have their trees worked on.

It's also available with or without real estate. The asking price of $949k includes the real estate. Without the real estate, the price goes down.

Owner is willing to stay on for a period of time after the sale to make sure the new owner succeeds. He doesn't want to run it anymore, but would be amenable to helping the new owner start off on the right foot.


Total Sales: $591,000

Cash Flow: $90,000

FFE: $283,000

Inventory: N/A

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Wyndee Townley

Wyndee Townley