Trucking Company With Repeat, Direct Clients

Price: $5,249,000

Location: Montgomery, AL

Industry: Moving and Shipping

Listing ID: 1-116

Listing Status: New


This trucking company is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to enter the logistics industry with a bang!
With over twenty trucks and twice as many trailers, this company stays busy with repeat customers as well as freight brokers filling their trailers all week long. It has a very experienced team running the office and a large pool of drivers handling each shipment.

Furthermore, its location is ideal for handling most repairs in-house and is very close to its largest repeat customers. This allows the company to save money on repairs and fuel, while fulfilling the needs of its biggest customer seamlessly.

The seller is selling this business in order to retire.


Total Sales: $5,621,500

Cash Flow: $932,000

FFE: $2,950,000

Inventory: $15,000

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley