Exceptional Glass Company With Longstanding Reputation

Price: $774,900

Location: Gulf Shores, AL

Industry: Glass, Stone and Concrete

Listing ID: 1-131

Listing Status: New


Zero in on a necessary company with a long history of diligence and quick work!

This company replaces or installs glass for both buildings and vehicles. Down here on the coast, it's a must have with all of the crazy weather we get! Regardless of the economy, when a storm takes out a customer's windshield, they're going to go get it fixed.
That makes this company very recession resistant since at least half of its work is a necessary service. Furthermore, it's also got plenty of work thanks to the thriving tourist industry on the coast. All of the rentals have to look picture perfect every tourist season, with cracked table tops, shower doors, or balcony windows being replaced as soon as they're reported as broken.

Regardless of how you look at it, this company is well-placed down here on the coast. It has a steady stream of revenue and could even grow under a new owner. The current owner is selling in order to fully retire.


Total Sales: $995,000

Cash Flow: $237,000

FFE: $37,500

Inventory: $26,000

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley