Well-Established Airbrush Studio in the Perfect Location!

Price: $179,000

Location: Nashville, TN

Listing ID: 1-117

Listing Status: New


This airbrush studio has been a tourist and local favorite for decades.
It offers bright, customized designs on almost any surface, but sells more custom t-shirts than anything else.
Beyond just airbrushing, the company also offers some screen printing and vinyl, allowing the customer a wide variety of options for customization.
The business is popular for sports, tourism, and events. It also has an excellent location, garnering it plenty of walk-in traffic.

That said, the owner's been running this business for a long time, and he's ready to move on to the next step of his life, thus putting the business on the market for a new owner.


Total Sales: $256,655

Cash Flow: $66,000

FFE: $20,000

Inventory: $1,900

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Gene Townley

Gene Townley